Video surveillance

The development of technology enables remote control in facilities, without the need for physical security personnel. It gives measurable financial benefits, while maintaining a high level of security and the possibility of implementing additional activities. A solution enabling remote verification of an alarm signal through a wireless video transmission system.

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What is video surveillance?

The central concept and functionality of video surveillance is to transmit images from the CCTV system installed in the protected facility on demand. The video can be transmitted from cameras directly connected to the transmission device. Recordings offered by highly sensitive cameras allow us to select, for example, the shots with people wearing glasses. Camera images are transmitted in real-time and monitored by the Operations Support Centre’s personnel.

In case of any problems, the operator reviews the situation and takes appropriate actions. They may send the Intervention Group to the site or notify designated individuals, as per an agreed procedure.

You can use the video surveillance service in many areas of your business, such as monitoring whether the site personnel are wearing the required protective gear, to using CCTV cameras with video identification during construction site monitoring.

Your benefits

Reduced outlays

on fixed assets


Reduced costs

of physical protection through FTE optimisation


Transparent reporting

and online access to data

24/7 monitoring

and recording of events


Tightening the security system

and effective strengthening of security activities


and maintenance of equipment


Full integration with most of the available

CCTV devices installed in your facility

What makes us stand out?

  • An experienced and competent team providing services according to quality standards.
  • We systematically train line workers to properly oversee security processes at customer sites.
  • We suggest the best ways to adjust procedures in facilities to minimise hazards and areas where losses are generated.
  • We use state-of-the-art and effective technical systems
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