Client (facility) profile:
International logistics client, DSV Road, carries out shipments of containers with electronics, by rail and using trucks. The client wanted to improve the security of its shipments, the number of which has increased significantly during the coronavirus pandemic. Hence, the client was looking for a digital solution that would enable cargo management – with particular emphasis on remote opening and closing and precise location tracking.
Solution applied:
> Detailed analysis of the client’s needs,
> Comparison of solutions available on the market,
> Use of innovative Lokies padlocks for rail transport with the option to open them via smartphone or app,
> Use of HHD G320 N electronic seals for road transport with the option to open them with RFID cards or remotely – via the app,
> Implementation of a system to manage devices from the client panel and help of the Operations Support Centre with a dedicated operator
CWO provided the client with:
> Improved security with access to cargo status anytime, from anywhere
> Improved logistics with time tracking, GPS position, etc.
> Reduced costs of the insurance policy for the transported cargo
> Reduced losses in cargo transport