Electronic security systems

Alarm systems complement traditional physical protection. Technological development provides us with a sense of security. Our engineers perform detailed security audits in your facility, checking, for example, the proper operation of motion detectors. 

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What are electronic security systems?

Observing new trends and analysing operational activities helps us implement solutions where advanced security systems support human work.

Modern alarm systems allow you to create a complete security plan. With these solutions, we significantly increase the security level of facilities and minimise the operational costs of the service. Experienced engineers conduct thorough audits of your facility’s existing security system to check for weaknesses.

To eliminate the weaknesses, we prepare and implement a customised security plan. It includes innovative solutions tailored to your business scale, such as motion detectors and alarm systems.

Your benefits

Significantly increased security,

without additional personnel expenses

Transparent reporting

and online access to events thanks to IT systems

Equipment service

and maintenance


Case study

Client (facility) profile:

International logistics client, DSV Road, carries out shipments of containers with electronics, by rail and using trucks. The client wanted to improve the security of its shipments, the number of which has increased significantly during the coronavirus pandemic. Hence, the client was looking for a digital solution that would enable cargo management – with particular emphasis on remote opening and closing and precise location tracking.

Solution applied:


> Detailed analysis of the client’s needs,

> Comparison of solutions available on the market,

> Use of innovative Lokies padlocks for rail transport with the option to open them via smartphone or app,

> Use of HHD G320 N electronic seals for road transport with the option to open them with RFID cards or remotely – via the app,

> Implementation of a system to manage devices from the client panel and help of the Operations Support Centre with a dedicated operator


CWO provided the client with:

> Improved security with access to cargo status anytime, from anywhere

> Improved logistics with time tracking, GPS position, etc.

> Reduced costs of the insurance policy for the transported cargo

> Reduced losses in cargo transport


What sets our security systems apart?

  • Support through modern and effective alarm systems
  • One partner with full security expertise
  • rofessional audit that identifies weaknesses in a company’s existing security measures
  • Experienced team of security technologists ensures appropriately selected devices, technologies and solutions for the type of facility in question
  • We initiate innovative measures, thanks to our knowledge of the industry and the customer’s emerging needs
  • Technological innovations in security systems, such as “smart padlocks”
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